Category Archives: Monthly Promotion

January 2018 Young Living Promotion

Young Living January 2018 Promotion! 🎉

January 2018 Young Living Promotion

Happy 2018!!  🎉  A NEW year and a NEW start…I am so excited to see what this next year holds. The January promotion is getting us started off right, with all the freebies supporting our fitness goals.

Just a reminder, when your single order total is within the minimum thresholds of 100, 190, 250, 300PV…Young Living will just ship the free items automatically with your order.  The Essential Rewards exclusive offers are available to those on Essential Rewards.  This is an optional free auto ship program that gives you 25% back, discounted shipping, and these extra freebies.

January 2018 Young Living Promotion

100 PV

If you are on Essential Rewards and have an order of at least 100 PV, you will receive a FREE 5-ml bottle of Spearmint Vitality!!

190 PV

  • Super Cal Plus
  • 5-ml Deep Relief (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Spearmint Vitality (Essential Rewards Exclusive)

250 PV

  • 5-ml PanAway
  • Super Cal Plus
  • 5-ml Deep Relief (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Spearmint Vitality (Essential Rewards Exclusive)

300 PV

  • 15-ml Copaiba
  • 5-ml PanAway
  • Super Cal Plus
  • 5-ml Deep Relief (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Spearmint Vitality (Essential Rewards Exclusive)


The perfect oil to use with a carrier oil after a good workout.  Massage into muscles and joints.


This blend has all the cooling essential oils…Wintergreen, Peppermint, Helichrysum, and Clove.  Apply topically.

Super Cal Plus

Super Cal Plus is a bone-health supplement designed to support the structure, integrity, and density of bones and teeth.  Watch this short 3-minute video for all the details on this supplement. 

Deep Relief

The Peppermint, Wintergreen, Dorado Azul, and Helichrysum in Deep Relief provide a cooling and energizing sensation.  Apply topically to neck, forehead, temples, or chest.

Spearmint Vitality

Stay hydrated and motivated by adding a drop of Spearmint Vitality to your water.  The perfect refreshing drink before or after a workout. 🌿

Wishing you a happy and healthy start to your new year and fitness goals!!

Disclaimer: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read the full disclaimer here.

Young Living December 2017 Promotion

Young Living December 2017 Promotion!

Young Living December 2017 Promotion

Happy December 1st!  I hope your holiday season is off to a great start.  We have had amazingly warm weather for this time of year in the Midwest.  It feels more like early fall.  I am kinda loving it though…this must be what the holidays feel like in the southern states! ☀️ This promotion for December is bringing all the holiday feels with lots of great free product.  AGAIN another amazing oil, Sacred Frankincense for FREE this month (retail price is $118!!) 🎁

To qualify for the free products your single order total needs to be within the minimum thresholds of 100, 190, 250, 300PV.  Young Living will just ship the free items automatically with your order.  The Essential Rewards exclusive offers are available to those on Essential Rewards.  This is an optional free auto ship program that gives you 25% back, discounted shipping, and these extra freebies.

December 2017 Young Living Promotion

100 PV

If you are on Essential Rewards and have an order of at least 100 PV, you will receive a FREE 5-ml bottle of Nutmeg Vitality!!

190 PV

  • 5-ml Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • 15-ml Lemon (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Nutmeg Vitality (Essential Rewards Exclusive)

250 PV

  • Life 9
  • 5-ml Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • 15-ml Lemon (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Nutmeg Vitality (Essential Rewards Exclusive)

300 PV

  • 15-ml Sacred Frankincense
  • Life 9
  • 5-ml Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • 15-ml Lemon (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Nutmeg Vitality (Essential Rewards Exclusive)


Sacred Frankincense

This oil is one of my absolute favorites for the skin.  I add a drop in my hand with my daily moisturizer.  This is one of those oils that acts a lot like Lavender.  Pretty much a go to oil for many things and the skin loves it!

Life 9

Young Living’s probiotic capsule that is high-potency and promotes and supports healthy digestion, gut health and normal intestinal function.  A supplement that I take everyday!

Northern Lights Black Spruce

I love this oil.  It is great diffused and on the wrists too.  Uplifting and grounding with an awesome aroma makes this a win for sure! 🌲❤️


A great oil to have on hand for lots of household uses.  The citrus smell is great and adds cleaning power to tough spots, or anything sticky.

Nutmeg Vitality

Nutmeg is the perfect spice for the holidays.  Add it to your cider or pumpkin bread.  Try one of these diffuser combinations with Nutmeg, too…

  • Pumpkin Spice –> 5 drops of Cinnamon Bark + 1 drop of Clove + 1 drop of Nutmeg
  • Mulled Cider –> 4 drops of Orange + 2 drops of Nutmeg + 1 drop of Cinnamon Bark + 1 drop of Clove
  • Snickerdoodle –> 5 drops of Stress Away + 3 Drops of Cinnamon Bark + 1 Drop of Nutmeg

Wishing you all a very merry and blessed holiday season!! ❤️

If you have any questions about Young Living essential oils, please feel free to contact me!!

Disclaimer: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read the full disclaimer here.

November 2017 Young Living Promotion

Young Living November 2017 Promotion!

November 2017 Young Living Promotion

Halloween is over, so now we get to talk about all things Thanksgiving and Christmas.  YES!!  Look at this promotion for November…November = FREE Frankincense!  I mean I never ever pass up an opportunity to get this amazing oil for free. 😍

To qualify for the free products your single order total needs to be within the minimum thresholds of 100, 190, 250, 300PV.  Young Living will just ship the free items automatically with your order.  The Essential Rewards exclusive offers are available to those on Essential Rewards.  This is an optional free auto ship program that gives you 25% back, discounted shipping, and these extra freebies.

November 2017 Young Living Promotion

100 PV

If you are on Essential Rewards and have an order of at least 100 PV, you will receive a FREE 5-ml bottle of Christmas Spirit!! ❤️🎄❤️ (You have to get this oil in your diffuser, it is AMAZING.)

190 PV

  • 15-ml Eucalyptus Radiata
  • 15-ml Tea Tree (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Christmas Spirit (Essential Rewards Exclusive)

250 PV

  • Young Living Christmas Tree Ornament with diffuser sticks
  • 15-ml Pine
  • 15-ml Eucalyptus Radiata
  • 15-ml Tea Tree (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Christmas Spirit (Essential Rewards Exclusive)

300 PV

  • 15-ml Frankincense
  • Young Living Christmas Tree Ornament with diffuser sticks
  • 15-ml Pine
  • 15-ml Eucalyptus Radiata
  • 15-ml Tea Tree (Essential Rewards Exclusive)
  • 5-ml Christmas Spirit (Essential Rewards Exclusive)



This essential oil has been around since ancient times and it is so AWESOME!  The uses for this oil are endless.  Your skin will love it, your body will love it…apply to your chest, temples and neck.  This oil is $96.71 retail and $73.50 wholesale!

Young Living Tree Ornament

This is a glass orb ornament and it even comes with diffuser sticks.  How great will this be hung on the tree with your favorite holiday essential oil?  Christmas Spirit for sure!!


Pine will bring the outdoors in with the smell of a real tree.  This oil pairs great with other oils too.  I love Pine + Awaken in the diffuser. 🌲

Eucalyptus Radiata

Diffuse Eucalyptus Radiata by itself or combine its clean scent with Lavender, Orange, or Rosemary and your house will smell so good.  This is the best choice out of the three eucalyptus oils to use with children.

Tea Tree

Tea tree has a fresh scent and is great to use on your skin and hair.  Tea tree can also be used in cleaning and freshening your home and linens.  A must-have oil!

Christmas Spirit

Seriously the best smelling blend for really anytime of the year, but definitely the holidays!  I promise, you will not miss giving up your candles when you have Christmas Spirit in your diffuser! ❤️🎄

If you would like to learn more about getting started with Young Living essential oils, visit here or feel free to contact me, too!













Disclaimer: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read the full disclaimer here.