There are some months when you need some big oils AND you are super thankful for the Essential Rewards program! ❤️ This was that kind of month for us. Here is a look at the products that came to my doorstep.
My Order
NingXia Red
My boys love NingXia Red chilled, the tops snipped off of these little 2 oz. pouches, and then we put a straw in it. Quick and easy boost of nutrition to start the day.
A favorite oil we apply topically to the bottom of the feet for support. One drop makes this 15-ml bottle last a long time.
The skin loves Lavender! I was running low in my supply so it had to make the order this month. Lavender is awesome in the diffuser with citrus oils too! 💜🍋 If you need some additional support, try the springtime blend…Lemon, Lavender, and add some Peppermint.
Peace & Calming
Every night, 2 to 3 drops in my sons diffuser at bedtime. I almost want to sleep on his floor after it starts running. Love this blend!
This oil is a game changing oil. If you don’t have it, you need it. Once you use it, you will thank me. A MUST!!
This oil has come up in our iTOVi scans a few times. I didn’t have it and knew I needed to add it to the arsenal. This is a single oil used topically or aromatically and helps primarily with balancing and skin health. I know vague, sorry, but Google it if you want a little more detail. 😉
My order, which was mostly staple items I needed, earned me 25% back in product credits (to be used just like cash) PLUS…Hope, Citrus Fresh, Lemon Vitality, a bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner, Thieves Dish Soap, and a glass bottle branded with the Thieves logo and dilution instructions for FREE! Click Here for all the details on the current promotion. Essential Rewards is the BEST!! ❤️
If you have any questions on your oils, the oils we received this month, or anything related to Young Living…please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Disclaimer: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read the full disclaimer here.