My February Essential Rewards order has lots of NEW things! Here is what I received this month…
Thieves Dish Soap
The whole Thieves line of products is awesome and I cannot not wait to try this Thieves dish soap. Thieves, Jade Lemon, Bergamot, and other plant-based ingredients for clean dishes! Someone recommended using this soap with vinegar to clean your shower (mix both in a dish wand and keep in the shower to clean after each use). Yet another versatile Young Living product! Yay!
Bergamot Essential Oil
This uplifting and citrus smelling oil is perfect for the diffuser, especially this time of the year. The holidays are over and I am ready for spring and some warm sunshine.
Jade Lemon Vitality
The Vitality line of essential oils just launched and I had to have some. I was running low on all of these and decided to try them in the Vitality line. I really like the option of the 5-ml bottles too.
Orange Vitality
Orange Vitality…I add a drop to my water. It tastes great and keeps drinking water a little more exciting.
Oregano Vitality
Oregano supports health. An oil we always like to have on hand.
Peppermint Vitality
Peppermint is great in supporting healthy gut function. So many other uses for Peppermint Vitality…add to a pre-workout or post-workout drink, when baking, and even in a vegetable capsule to take daily or as needed.
Thieves Mints
We love these mints. They are a healthy option to freshen your breathe. I like the ingredients and don’t mind my kids having one occasionally.
Thanks for visiting and checking out my order for February!
Disclaimer: The information on this website is based upon my research and personal use of Young Living Essential Oils. I am not a doctor. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Read the full disclaimer here.